Hey guys! I’m hosting a photo contest! Every Thursday I will post who wins and who gets eliminated. Don’t be offended if you don’t win, it’s nothing personal. 

How to enter: submit your photo to me and title your email: AG ALL DAY PHOTO CONTEST I CYCLE ONE, WEEK ONE.

How this week will work: on Saturday I’m going to Grand Rapids. I don’t know if I’m bringing my iPad with me, so this week I’ll post the info for both weeks.

WEEK ONE THEME: history week. You can dress your dolls up in HISTORICALLY ACCURATE outfits from any time period. Just include what time period it is!

For week two, send me your photo and title the email AG ALL DAY PHOTO CONTEST I CYCLE ONE, WEEK TWO. 

WEEK TWO THEME: nature week. Take a picture of your dolls outside or as nature activists.

Thank you!


  1. Would it be alright to submit an entry via blog post?

  2. oh my gosh I would LOVE to enter, but I don't have an email for dolls, just me personnel one that I don't want to just out out on the internet. would it be possible to submit my entry through the comments?


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