Hello! I have some World by Us leaks for you!

If you didn’t know, world by us is the new contemporary line releasing in the fall, with a lead black character. 


Look: it looks like she has a medium skinned joss mold with a wig that looks like 

Outfit: it’s ok, it’s cute.


Look: she looks like she has a welliewisher mold. Credit to MyAGLife on AGDN for that. She has cool hair, but that’s about it.

Outfit: it’s looks like she’s six. I mean, I never wore stuff like this, and there is no way in heck my dolls would.


Look: gray eyes, Josie mold, kinky hair. I need her. She is TOO GORGEOUS! 

Outfit her outfit is so cute! I would use that dress every day. It’s so cute! Ok. How many times am I gonna say it’s so cute. (I might get Evette instead of TM 67.)

All of these dolls are awesome! I can’t wait until I can see the actual release and I hope you are too!



  1. And maritza’s wig looks a bit like nanea’s.

  2. These are cool dolls, I really like Makena and if she is ever released I may end up buying her. :)

  3. These dolls are so cute, especially Evette, she is just gorgeous. Great review by the way :)


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